Saturday, July 27, 2024


I could still see the moon this morning while I was leaving for work. It was still a pretty sight. 

I don’t know what is happening to Willow, but she has injuries on a couple of her legs. They do not look good, but she acts like there is nothing wrong with her. I just wish I knew how the injuries were happening. 

May, the chicken, is still a bully. Ann flew up to the roost and May started pecking her. That is just rude. 

It’s funny every time I see the backyard but when I do, it warms my heart. The backyard is usually full of something. Today we had dogs, cats, and chickens. They get along better than I would have believed if I had not seen it for myself. The cats were all home at the time, too. 

The horses were lined up for food. They were ready for it. 

The donkeys were getting along while eating today. The cows were, too, but I think the cows were grateful the donkeys were not trying to take their food. 

The horses were all lined up, is I decided to spray them with water. All of them, with the exception of Chief love the water. Even Saverine came over to be sprayed. She loves it the most, but wants to stay away from Jeb.

Porky decided to eat some hay lying down in the shelter. He is one funny goat. Guess he just wanted a moment of peace while eating. It’s a chore to fight and eat at the same time. 

Willow has learned to kick Mattie. It’s funny to watch her. She will do it when he annoys her. They are still best friends though. She did give me attention though. Mattie is so pretty. Noma is just glad those kids have each other and leave her alone.

Ronnie fixed the sunshade for the pigs again. The wind just knocks it down over and over. 

I moved hay into the sheep barn to keep it from getting wet, but they moved it all back out. That’s hilarious. They are still eating it. 

The dogs and cats love each other here. It’s just funny to me. 

Snowflake and I have come to an agreement. I will take her eggs and she will not peck me. That is progress. 

I saw Sterling. He apparently does not want to be run off our property. I saw him walk right through all the animal until he was face to face with Sonny boy where Sterling coward backward and then ran into the shop. I could not believe my eyes. I thought I saw him at a neighbor’s house a few days ago but decided it was not him. I guess it was him. Sterling is back. Now what to do about that? He has some determination and the will to survive. 

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