Sunday, July 21, 2024


Our friend is out of town the next couple of days. She never asks for help, but when she told me she was going out of town, I jumped at the chance to help her out. It was nice to be able to help her out. It’s nice to see other animals as well. She has a few horses who are extremely friendly. Her cows took one look at me and ran the other way. Her dogs did not necessarily want to be messed with. The cat and the chihuahua were happy to see me. 

Ronnie put out new bales of hay for the cows and the horses. They always love that. 

Willow is about tired of that pen. She did not look happy today. 

Ronnie and I were having a discussion about something and all of a sudden Ronnie says look at that. I turned to look and there sat a bright red cardinal. Ronnie said, you know, seeing a cardinal also means peace. Maybe that bird showing up was telling us something. 

It was so pretty outside. 

I got home late, so Ronnie did the feeding and watering. I’m grateful for that. 
Ronnie did tell me he had seen Tux around the house again and he was living under the shed. I decided I would go look around. I didn’t see Tux, but the cats followed me over there. Athena was being mean to Yeller for some reason. That made me sad.

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