Wednesday, June 28, 2023

June 28

Today was 107 again. Apparently I have pushed myself too much in the heat. I have felt awful today with being sick at my stomach, weakness, and dizziness. I had to come home and go to bed. My husband was the greatest. He came home and did all the chores because I was feeling so bad. Sometimes when you push yourself too hard, your body does not like it. I will be better tomorrow. 
Ursula stayed by my side while I was in bed. She is so sweet and knew I did not feel well. 

Word of the day is illness. Psalm 34:18

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27

Today was the hottest day I have seen out here. It was 110 degrees. I had been praying all week about the temperatures and protection for the animals. God has answered my prayers. We have one more extremely hot day, but then the temps go down. All the animals are doing well. We have not lost any more animals. They are hot, but the wind picked up today so it was not as bad as it had been. I feel grateful for the answered prayers. I am so glad these animals are doing okay. They all are hanging in there. Alex is feeling better and Tinkerbelle is a lot better. 
It was too hot to hang outside much. The heat is dangerous. Ronnie and I have not been feeling well again today because of the heat, so we ran out and ran back in to protect ourselves. 
Word of the day is answered prayers. John 15:16

June 26

Today was not a good day for me. My anxiety was so high and I was feeling depressed. I do not get down too often, but today I did. It was not good. The heat brought it on and I know that. I was so stressed about the animals. I know I’m not in control of the weather and I prayed and prayed. I knew I had to trust God since he was the one in control. 

It was 108 degrees today with no breeze at all. Y’all, that’s hot. I mean can smell the rubber on your shoes melting hot. Nothing about it was comfortable. The animals were miserable and it was obvious. If I could bring them all in the house, I would. My house is not big enough for that. 

Ernestine is still living in the bush in front of the house. She is such a mess. I wish I could do something for her. She refuses to be caught. 

The chickens in the coop are doing well. They probably have the best spot on the property with a breeze going through there and the sun doesn’t hit them. 

The donkeys and goats are doing okay. They are hot and cranky, but so was I understand. I don’t worry about the donkeys as much as I do the other animals. 

The other animals are hot, too, but so far so good. I’ve been such a nervous wreck about the heat for them. 

Takua was such a sweet horse. I know he is miserable but he wanted to be close to me. He might have been saying thank you for spraying them all down. They do appreciate that. 

The cows have been using the fan we put up over the weekend, so Alex seems to be feeling better. 

We saw our first deer on the property today. It was a doe and the poor thing looked miserable with the heat. 

Mattie got some loving. He is such a mess. I cannot even tell you how much of a mess. He sure is loved though. 

Tinkerbelle is doing better and better. Ronnie brought home mineral blocks and she is still on antibiotics, but she is better. 

One of the prettiest chicks we have now I have decided to name Esmeralda. She is gorgeous. I can’t wait to see what she looks when she grows up. 

Ursula knew I was not feeling myself. She grabbed a hold of my pants and socks and did not want to let me go. She is so sweet. I sure do love her. 

We had a chance of rain so I went out to take pictures of the clouds. They were everywhere. It also looked like dust storms coming in. 

I looked over and saw Treat and Pedro interacting through the fence. It was so cute. 

I went to check on the pigs. I had a panic moment once I got down there. Treat had something hanging from her body. I went into the pen and it turned out to be a stick and I got it off her. Then I noticed Treat. She had a head tilt. My heart just sank. I had no idea what was going on but I was upset. She seemed fine otherwise so Ronnie and I were going to watch her. 

I was so depressed after finding the pig like that. Ronnie went to check on her several times that night and her head tilt was gone. I just got in my own head and couldn’t get out of it. 
Ursula knew and let me hold her little paw for a bit. This girl is precious. 

Word of the day is depression. Deuteronomy 31:8

June 25

I woke up this morning not feeling well from the heat yesterday. I could not do much for most of the day. I did a lot of praying for the animals today. Ronnie fed and checked water this morning. He was not feeling great either today. 

We went to feed this afternoon and it was 108 degrees but I’m so grateful there was wind, so it did not feel as hot. All the animals were doing well. 

I got to spray down the horses. They were happy about that. 

The tarp came down on one side so Noma and Willow were able to go in and out of the shelter without ducking or being fearful. 

I am still concerned about Alex, but he seems better. He is eating and drinking but I know he is acting like he does not feel well. 

Tinkerbelle is doing better it seems. That makes me happy. 

We are feeling better this evening so that’s good, too. 

Word of the day is good. Psalm 59:16

Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 24

It’s 109 again today. It’s awful out there. Ronnie and I worked out in it for these animals most of the day. It’s terrible. The blistering heat is miserable. By the end of the day, Ronnie and I were both not feeling well since it was so hot. I cannot imagine how these animals are feeling. 

I went out early to spray the horses down and cool them off. I made sure everyone had plenty of water. 

Tinkerbelle is loving her sun shade and stays under it most of the day. Those things are a lifesaver. It keeps them cooler and they love it. 

We put up a tarp to give Noma and Willow more shade. The thing is, it’s kind of low and Noma does not like to go under it. I got her to go under it a time or two, thought I was going to get kicked a few times, but she never did kick me. If they will learn to go under it, they will have more shade. 

We put up another fan for the cows. They are liking it at the moment. They needed it badly. 

We also gave Tinkerbelle an antibiotic. I think she has a UTI. She would cry out when trying to urinate. We have added some stuff to her feed also. I’m hoping she will be okay. She seemed better a few hours after that, so that is good. 

The flies here are so bad. I have never seen them being this bad. They are actually eating our garden and they are everywhere. 

The animals are hanging in there. 

Word of the day is tough. Joshua 1:9