Friday, June 9, 2023

June 9

I left for work this morning and all the horses were huddled together in the corner of the fence. I had no idea what they were doing. It was interesting though. 

I went to work and then went to the store. My mind was trying to figure out different things for the pigs to make a mud hole. I needed to go to the store to find something. 

I got some stuff for the mud hole. I also got some toys for Ursula to keep her entertained. I got some toy mice with cat nip, but Bubba had those out of the sack and wanted them badly, so I gave them to the cats. All three of the cats have played like they were kittens with those toys. 

I did get Ursula some others it’s and I’m glad about that. She loves them. It will keep her entertained. 

I went out and hung out in the pasture with the donkeys. I am trying to get back on their good side. They have been mad or nervous for weeks since the farrier came out and we had to separate Pete from the others. None of them have been loving toward either of us since then. Pedro and Red both let me love on them a bit. That’s progress. 

After feeding everyone, I went to work on making some mud. Ronnie had been to the feed store and he got some stuff also. I poured the dirt in with the sand and started running the water. We officially have mud. I’m hoping it stays. I put it in tonight to see what it looks like in the morning. I knew I had to get it done because the temps are in the 90s already and set to be in the 100s next week. I’m interested to see if the mud stays. 

While I was working on the mud, all three of the pigs had been sitting in the water bowl to cool off. At least they had that. I knew Treat had been in the water and the dirt because she had mud on her. 

The donkeys came over to see me while I was in the pig pen. They are cute when they do that. The pigs get territorial but that’s okay. The fence is between them.

The baby chicks are growing up fast. They are getting bigger every day. I’m glad to see they are doing well. 

Ronnie let the goats out for a while tonight. Mattie did not even notice. However, someone was shooting next door and they all ran back into their shelter. They are smart. Honestly, those three are fine with being in their pen. They feel secure there. 

I did see the horses and donkeys all close together in the corner of the fencing tonight. It’s interesting to see them all together and not trying to fight. 

Oreo is now acting sick and I have no idea why. I’m concerned about it though. If he isn’t better in the morning, I will have to find a vet to take him to. 

Verses on progress. Job 17:9

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