Thursday, June 1, 2023

June 1

Today was humid and threatening rain again. I’m still not complaining. In another month or so, we will be hot and begging for it. Besides, everything is green and pretty even if we do need to mow and weed eat. That part is not so fun, but it’s okay. I don’t think we had to ow or weed eat all year last year. That’s how dry it was. I’m grateful for the rain. 

When I got home from work, I knew I needed to hurry. It looked like it was about to rain. The clouds were rolling in. The animals did not seem bothered by it though. 

As I was feeding, I saw that little chick with the other chickens. He had lost his mom. I was not real sure what to do. I threw out some feed and he was eating. I let him eat. I then picked him up and my goodness this baby was hot. I don’t know if he is sick or not but his little body temp was hot. I put him in the coop with those three hens to see if they would keep him. That was a big no. I saw they peeking him. I then saw him alone again. I took him back to his mom and she tried to attack me again. I checked a couple more times and he was with her and the rest of them. I’m afraid the cats are going to get him if he does not keep up with Chloe, they were going after one earlier but did not succeed. 

The storms were coming in fast. I could see it in the distance. I had heard on the radio the storm was supposed to produce a couple of inches in an hour. I knew it looked bad. 

I got all the animals fed before the rain hit. I had to water in the rain. Yes, you read that right. You never know out here exactly how much rain you will get, so I would rather be safe than sorry. 

The horses all got in the barn. Mattie stood next to Noma and Willow. The cows just hang out in it. The sheep, goats and the other donkeys and goats all went into their shelters. 

I did get a good photo of Chloe with all those chicks under her. It’s amazing to me. 

I got soaked from the rain. I did not love that but I got it all done. 

All the cats were home which makes me happy. 

Ronnie came home in the middle of the storm and wanted to take me literally down the road to see the rainbow. I had been wanting to see one. By the time we got home, the rainbow was showing up just a little at our house. 

A couple hours later, the sun was out again and setting. 

Word of the day is trust. Psalm 9:10

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