Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 13

Today was not so bad, but it’s getting hotter. It was 90 today. I know the animals were hot. I was hot. Welcome to summer in West Texas. 

I came home and noticed a dead snake under the deck. The cats looked very proud of themselves. I’m glad they are here. At least it was not a rattlesnake. 

Ronnie was outside with the water hose. Those three horses that love it sure were appreciative. Ronnie got Jeb and Chief to somewhat enjoy it also. They needed to be cooled off also. 
Jasper even tolerated some cooling down with the water hose. I was shocked. 

The pigs were all muddy and that makes me happy. That means they are staying cool which is all I wanted. 

My pig hoof trimming friends are going to be happy, Spam’s hooves are breaking off which means they won’t have as much to do next time they come out. Now if Gus’ hooves would break off, too, that would be great. 

The pigs are starting to shed also which means they will stay cooler. They like for me to help with pulling the hair off of them. I find that funny. 

Word of the day is brave. Romans 8:26

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