Friday, June 2, 2023

June 2

Another stormy day. It’s all good though. We always need it out here. 

I got home to find Ronnie holding the little chick who has been slow and not getting what he needs. I was not sure what to do. I put it back with his mom who has rejected him. That’s just great. What can we do with him?? I fed him and then waited to see what he would do. He ate a bit but then just stood there. 
I fed a few other animals and then I took him into the goat pen with Tinkerbelle and Cinderella so I could feed. He did not move around much. I decided to syringe him some water. He seemed to appreciate that. Then I remembered something that happens to chicks. Sometimes they get a pasty rear end and cannot poop. Yep, that’s what happened. I cleaned off his rear end. That took a while. I then gave him more food. I don’t know if he will make it, but I now I have done everything I can do. 

It started raining not long after. It poured and poured. Mattie was standing by Noma and Willow’s pen. I wish he would not do that. 

Once the worst of the storm passed, I went outside. I checked the animals and all of them seemed fine. The horses were looking at me like I was crazy since I was out taking pictures. 
I did check on the chick also, he has pooped but he is not looking good. 

I was out taking pictures of lightening and one was so close I got scared and went inside. 

A little while later, Ronnie went out and there was a beautiful rainbow. 

Word of the day is fear. Psalm 34:4-5

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