Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 20

Today was another brutal day today. It was 109 degrees outside. It’s awful. I do not tolerate it well. I’m not much for hot weather. I mean, I don’t like the cold either but oh this is bad. 

When I got home, I noticed Ernestine was still in the shop. I tried to run her out. It’s too hot for her to be in there. I finally got her out. I hated to do it, but she was going to over heat in there. 

As I went to the other side of the pasture to feed some chickens, I noticed Edith was not with them. I went to find her. When I did, I could not believe it. Edith looked like she sat down to lay an egg and the heat got her. She passed away right there. She was in the barn. Edith was one of my favorites. She was spunky and loved so much. I was devastated. This heat is bad news. 

All the cats have been staying home since it’s so hot. I’m glad they are. I know they are hot. I’m glad they aren’t in the shop. 

The donkeys are staying cool under the trees. I know that are hot. I know everyone out here is. 

The pigs are doing okay with the shade and their mud holes. They seem to be handling it. I did have a scare. One of them was under the sun shade and would not get up when Gus was nudging her. I was terrified to go down there but she was up before I got down there. Oh I was nervous. 

I got too hot and had to go inside. I started getting dizzy and nauseated. Ronnie told me to get in the house and cool down. I was almost finished with the chores so he finished them. 

I saw the horses pawing at the water trough later that evening l. I went down and sprayed the horses down. I attempted to spray Mattie and the cows, but they were not having it. The horses love it though. I was able to spray them all and they were all grateful. 

This heat is nothing to play around with. This Texas sun is hot. You have to be careful and take care of yourself. The sunset was beautiful though. 

Word of the day is being careful. 1 John 4:1

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