Monday, June 5, 2023

June 5

Today we had mild temperatures and it was beautiful. 

Willow was full of love today and wanted attention. Noma did not. I know they are ready to get out of the pen. 

I found Athena in a bunch of grass hiding. I had to laugh. 

I got some pictures of the two chickens who remind me of clowns. They are pretty chickens. 

We found something had gotten into one of the hay bales and pulled up the plant to eat the egg out of the hay bale. I have no idea what could have done that. 

I saw Ernestine out of the bush today. I was happy to see she was running around. She still screams at all of us when we are anywhere near her. 

Yeller was cute and cuddly today. I am hoping he was telling me he was sorry for yesterday with the baby bird. 

Looks like it might storm again tonight, but who knows?

Word of the day is strength. Psalm 28:7

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