Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 14

It’s definitely summertime. That’s all I can say about it. It’s only going to get hotter. I was hoping we would have an usually rainy summer like we did a couple years ago, but it is not looking like that is going to happen. 

It’s hard to enjoy the animals when it is this hot out, but I make it a point to enjoy it. I went into the shop and Onyx and Yeller followed me in there. They are funny. There were full bowls of food, but they had to eat out of the same bowl. That’s friendship. 

The goats were hot. They were hanging out next to the chicken coop in the shade. They used to be able to hang out in the chicken coop since we have not always had chickens in there. It looked like they were missing going in there. It is cooler in there for some reason. 

The dogs were definitely hot. I am going to shave pepper and Maggie down this weekend. We have not been leaving the dogs outside for long since it is hot. 

It looks like Chloe is letting the chicks go further away from her. I know it won’t be long until she lets them go on their own. It looked like Leroy was watching them. 

The donkeys were all hanging out under the trees at the back of the property in the shade. I know they were hot, but they had green grass and shade. They are desert animals after all. I think Pete’s feet are hurting him since he has been laying down more and more. I have got to find someone to trim his feet. 

You can tell it’s a hot day when all the pigs are covered in mud. I’m so glad they can stay cool in the mud. I know it’s rough on them. 

I got to pet on Russ today. That’s progress for sure. He grunted at me, but did not move for a bit. He is not much on humans because he had been let down so many times, but he has been with us for about 4 years and knows he has a forever home. 

Patsy is small, but she ran Darla right out of the mud hole. I laughed so hard. I laughed even more when Patsy did not get in the mud hole. 

Spam was hot and grumpy. She was laying under the sunshade in the dirt. I went to pet her and she head swiped at me. I don’t let her get away with that. I petted her anyway but kept my head far from her. 

I saw a hawk in the sky. He may be stalking something on our property. I hope he leaves the chickens alone. 

I found the chicks and Chloe in the garden dirt. She knew she was not supposed to be there and took the chicks out of there. 

The cats were in the shade staying cool. Sometimes I cannot get over how cute they are. 

Word of the day is enjoying the moment. Psalm 16:11

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