Monday, June 5, 2023

June 4

I woke up this morning and went out to check on the baby bird. I was not prepared for the chaos going on. All four cats were surrounding the area I last saw the baby. My heart just sank. It sank further when I saw the mom and dad trying to attack the cats. I just had a bad feeling. I saw Athena sitting next to the flower bed next to the one I last saw the baby. I had no idea the baby bird was literally sitting in some weeds right next to Athena. It was quite the mess. I knew I couldn’t touch the bird. I ran into the house to grab some gloves. I knew things were about to get bad. I made it back outside and got one glove on before Onyx grabbed that baby. I was able to get the baby from Onyx before it was hurt. I was able to get the baby up the tree and that bird went as fast as it could jump to the top of the trees. The cats followed but they were unable to get that far up. The last I saw the baby, it was with the mom. 

I thought the birds were goldfinches, but they were not. They are an oriole. They are beautiful. I do hope the baby made it. This is not my photo. 

Willow is so cute. She was a loving little thing tonight. She is just a joy. 

Mattie got his foot stuck in the strings in the hay bale tonight. Oh that was scary. I went over to him but that put him into a panic and he kicked himself free. He limped for a few minutes but he seemed fine. 

Russ came to the fence for petting and allowed me to pet him. I was in shock. It sure does make me happy. He has been hard just because of his past. 

Jelly was sitting up on the fence like he was king of the farm. He is so funny. 

Jelly has also been acting like he has ear mites. I was able to put some drops in his ears which he was not happy about, but he acted better last night. 

We had more storms coming in tonight. The clouds were beautiful as always. 

Ursula is doing well. She is the sweetest. I sure am glad she is here. 

Word of the day is refuge. Psalm 91:4

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