Thursday, June 15, 2023

June 15

It was hot today. High was 102. Oh that’s no fun for us or the animals. I know animals have been doing this forever, so I should not worry about them. They are survivors in the cold and the heat. They have been giving all the tools: shade, water, shelter, so they will be okay. I still have a hard time since it’s so hot. I do worry even though I know I shouldn’t. 

I did not stay out long this afternoon since it was so hot. All of the animals were doing okay. They all got fed and fresh water. 

The baby chicks are tearing up the squash plants. I had to run them off again. Maybe they will stop it, but I doubt it. It’s cooler over there. They are growing up fast now. I am seeing a few roosters. I need to find home for them. 

None of the animals were doing much except laying around. The donkeys were the only ones still out in the pasture. 

Wheezy was sitting on eggs and I had to remove her. I picked her up and loved on her though. 

A few of the horses were under the shade tree. They are so pretty. I know they are miserable but I know they have lived in Oklahoma where it gets hot like this also. 

Persia was sitting in my lap loving on me tonight. She is so precious. 

I went out later when it was not so hot. I got to see all the cats. I also witnessed Ernestine go over to get some food. I guess she thinks she is protected then. I went to go grab her and of course she ran. She ran right under the tractor where the stray cat has been hiding. I have not seen that cat in a month, but there it was. I thought it was onyx but it looked bigger than onyx so I had to look and realized onyx was behind me and the other cat was in the pasture. I thought it left, but I guess it is surviving here on the farm. What am I supposed to do with that now??

Word of the day is survivor. Matthew 24:13

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