Tuesday, June 27, 2023

June 27

Today was the hottest day I have seen out here. It was 110 degrees. I had been praying all week about the temperatures and protection for the animals. God has answered my prayers. We have one more extremely hot day, but then the temps go down. All the animals are doing well. We have not lost any more animals. They are hot, but the wind picked up today so it was not as bad as it had been. I feel grateful for the answered prayers. I am so glad these animals are doing okay. They all are hanging in there. Alex is feeling better and Tinkerbelle is a lot better. 
It was too hot to hang outside much. The heat is dangerous. Ronnie and I have not been feeling well again today because of the heat, so we ran out and ran back in to protect ourselves. 
Word of the day is answered prayers. John 15:16

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