Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 22

Another hot day out. It was 107 today. Four days in a row is just miserable for everyone. It’s terrible. That’s all I can say. The sun is blazing out of control. 

I got home and saw the chicks next to the air conditioner drinking whatever water was around there. I will note here, we do have water everywhere around the property for all the animals. The chicks are small, but we do have water around for them also. 

May is broody at the moment. The thing is, she is not sitting on anything. I go in and move her out of the shelter everyday since she looks so hot. That just makes her madder. She has quit trying to peck me though. That’s progress. 

Those baby chicks are everywhere. They are getting around the cats more and more. The cats must be getting used to them. They are leaving the chicks alone. That’s a good thing. 

I did come home to find Simone had passed away. It did not look like it was today and it did not look like heat, but she is gone. I’m so upset. That’s three hens in three days. I cannot handle the hurt. It makes me question what I am doing and brings me down. 

Because Simone is gone, she had one buddy and it was a rooster, Lester. Those two were best friends and they stuck to themselves. Now Lester is walking around alone and is depressed. It’s so much pain to watch. My heart breaks every time. 

Everyone else is hot but seems okay. Alex isn’t feeling the greatest but in reality, I’m sure none of them feel too good. They are hot and miserable. Bring on the rain. Lord, please help us through this summer. I’m not handling it well and it’s only the beginning. 

Word of the day is prayer. Mark 11:24

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