Wednesday, June 7, 2023

June 7

I woke up and knew the day was going o be a rough one. I’m not sure how I knew but it was a rough one. Some days are just like that. 

I watched the baby chicks up on the back deck this morning. I know they are still small, but it won’t be long before Chloe leaves them on their own. 

It was a nice morning. Spots was still doing fine. I made sure to put eyes on her before I left for work. 

The flies are taking over everything. I forget how bad they are here during this time of year. It’s not fun for anyone. Ronnie was outside spraying down pens and animals with fly spray. 

I saw Ernestine in the goat pen, at least I think it was her. If it was her, she will be back in the shop soon. I almost hope she does end up back in the shop. She does not want my help, but she needs it. 

I went out in the pasture with the donkeys and goats today. Pedro is the only one who came toward me. That made me sad. I know they have long memories and they were mad at me when we put Pete in the barn for the farrier. They have been mad since then. 

Treat was laying by the fence on one side and Bacon Bit was on the other. It broke my heart. I hope Treat was just laying in that area and not wanting to go back over there. They have seemed really happy, but that was sad. 

Willow was loving the attention today. 

Word of the day is strong. Psalm 73:26

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