Saturday, June 24, 2023

June 19

Well, it hit 108 here today. That is super hot. I was a hot mess for sure, but these animals still need to be taken care of with food and water. It does not matter how hot or cold, it still gets done. 

As I was leaving for work, I noticed Chloe had indeed left her chicks. They are running all over the place and not all together. They better learn quick where the dangers are. 

The animals were all hot. They were all in the shade or shelter until it was time to eat. 

The dogs came out to eat and wanted right back inside. I cannot say I blame them. It was brutal outside today. The west Texas sun is nothing to play with. 

The horses all got sprayed down which 3/5 love. It cools them off in this heat. 

The pigs were in the mud holes or had been in their mud holes, so I am grateful for that. 

I stayed out long enough to get stuff done. It’s too hot to mess around out there. I have prayed for all these animals and given them all the protection I can, I have to trust that God will take care of them in this heat since summer is just beginning. 

Word of the day is trust. Psalm 20:7

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