Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 10

It was a hot day. Ronnie and I worked outside all day. I have a sunburn, but we got stuff accomplished. That always feels good to get things accomplished. 

I let the goats out again for a bit. I wanted them to help eat some of the tall grass down, but Mattie noticed them pretty quickly and the goats decided to go back in their shelter. 
I tried again later, but the cows scared them, so they went back in their pen. I honestly think they feel safe and secure in the pen and they like it there. 

The donkeys in the other pasture are loving all the green grass. They are grazing and loving it. I am happy they have that. It’s been a long time since they have had grass like that because of the drought we have had for so long. 

It was hot early in the day. The mud hole I had made for the pigs in the new pen did not hold up, so they did not have mud. I worked for hours trying to get mud for them. I added some more dirt and tried again. I was hoping it worked. For the time being, they were staying in their shelter to stay in the shade and stay cool. 

I filled up the other mud holes for the other pigs. All of those pigs use the muds holes, so I knew they needed more water in there with the rising temperatures. 

The cows have fresh green grass and they are still eating hay. I am shocked with them. They normally would eat the grass. I’m sure they will but I hope they get started soon since the temps are getting hot and the grass will die. 

Willow and Noma are wanting out of that pen badly. I want them out also, but I do not trust Mattie with them. He is still so young and playful, he does not realize he is playing too rough. He likes to play with Willow through the fencing, but I’m not sure what would happen if the fencing was not there. 

I did get Mattie in the pen and was going to let the sheep out, Noma and Willow, and the goats, but Mattie ran out before I could get him closed in. 

I saw Sonny today. I was a little concerned because I had not seen him in a day. He is fine though. He had dug a cooler spot in the dirt. 

One of the chickens named Betty has started running around with Suzie Q and Edith. She is stealing food from the chickens in the coop. Luckily I put some in the coop also. 

The horses were hot and I happily sprayed them with the hose. Saverine is demanding about it. She likes to move the hose around to get the water where she wants it. 

The baby chicks are growing fast now. They are still cute. I cannot believe how big they are getting. 

I went back to check on the pigs later. There was a spot in front of the water trough where it looked like water would hold. I had filled it up, but was not sure if it would still be there. I guess the pigs had dug the sand enough to get to where I could fill it with water and it hold. All of them had been in the mud hole. I was happy about that. At least they had a spot to cool off. That’s what I cared about. I worry about them more in the summer because it gets so hot here. 

Pete looked at peace tonight laying in the grass to cool off. I am so glad he is happy. It took a while to get to that point with him.

Ursula has found her lungs. She was upset tonight that I had not gone to bed early and she was hollering at me through the door. Once I went in there, she calmed right down. She is spoiled. 

When Ronnie and I got finished for the day, we got a surprise. The air conditioning was not working. It was 80 degrees in the house. It was hot. Ronnie was able to get it running. 

Word of the day is achievement. Proverbs 16:3

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