Friday, June 16, 2023

June 16

The day started off a little wild. Ronnie was watching out the window and there were some trucks sitting there. It looked like they were hauling a truck and they were checking on it. Pedro went to the fence. Ronnie went outside about this time. When one of the guys tried to pet him, Pedro ran off. The guy jumped the fence while Ronnie was standing there watching. When the guy saw Ronnie, he ran back and jumped back over the fence. What was he thinking?? That was not a good idea. Pedro was protected them. Him running was a good idea. What were they going to do? Who knows. I’m glad the animals were okay. That put me on edge. 

The day was supposed to get back in the hundreds but it made it to around 90. It was not that bad out. The wind was blowing and it was not too bad out. Im sure the animals were grateful. I sure was. 

I put out some chicken feed for the chickens over in the pasture and the donkeys were trying to eat it all. They were fighting over it even. They sure are something to watch. 

The horses all got sprayed and cooled down today. Chief still hates it but Jeb is coming around. The other three love it. Saverine will stand there and move around so the water hits the spot she wants the water to go. It makes me laugh and I love how happy they look. 

The baby chicks are starting to separate a little from their mom. They are so cute and they are getting so big. They still chirp for their mom, but they are exploring more. Poor Chloe is still trying to keep up with all thirteen but they have minds of their own. 

Hercules was trying to eat from the other side of the fence again. I wonder if he will ever learn that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and he has so much grass on his side of the fence. Silly goat. 

Mattie is still spoiled and getting hay when we give Noma and Willow hay. I sure do love him. He knows it also. 

Willow and Noma are still doing well. I am ready to get them out of the pen, but it will come in time. 

I was able to spray down the cows to cool them off. They did not like it, but I did it anyway. I know they were hot. 

I went down to check on the pigs since Ronnie fed and watered them, but I wanted to see them. I am happy to say my little pink pigs are brown with mud. That might not make everyone happy, but that shows me, they have plenty of mud which will keep them cool and keep their skin from burning. That brings my stress down also. I do not have to worry about them so much. 

The other pigs are doing well also. They have their mud hole and for some reason I do not worry about them much. I guess because this is their third summer in that pen and they have done well. 

There is one baby chick that has always been behind on going with the others because that baby is looking around. That chick still is doing that. I watched today as the baby was trying to find its way out of the garden area and back to the family. That chick is beautiful. I think it might be a hen also. 

Yeller was staying cool in the grass today trying to stay cool. 

Word of the day is preservation. Proverbs 2:11

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