Tuesday, June 6, 2023

June 6

Around here if it’s not one thing it’s another. Some days are exhausting but you have to keep moving. There are so many animals here and they all need some love and attention. 

I could tell this morning it was going to be a hot day. It was humid and I knew the hot weather was on the way. Next week it’s supposed to be in the 100s. I’m not looking forward to that, but that’s how it is out here. 

I got home late, so Ronnie had most everything done before I got home. I finished up the rest. 

Willow and Noma were up and eating. They did not eat all their food. I know the flies are bothering them. Everything is wet from all the rain and the humidity. It’s just bad. 

The chickens are all doing dirt baths keeping themselves cooler. 

Gus wanted some attention and I gave it to him. I was petting him and he just leaned on the fence to get more petting. 

Treat seems unsettled a bit. She was pacing back and forth looking like she wanted in the other pen again. 

Spam was clinching her teeth at something or someone. I have no idea what that’s about. 

The other pigs are doing fine with no issues. 
As I was watering, I saw spots just standing there. She then got on the ground and started rolling around. My heart dropped into my stomach. I kept hoping she was going to get up. I watched Jeb go over to her and started pawing at her and trying to nudge her to get up. It aggravated her enough to get up. She was trying to cough something up. My first thought was choke. I was trying to hold it together and not panic. Easier said than done. She did finally get whatever it was up before either of us could get over there. I’m grateful. I have been watching her the rest of the night and she seems okay, but I get so nervous about it. I want to give these guys the best possible care I can give them and some days I feel like I’m failing. 

Momma Chloe was calling for all her chicks but she was in the horse trailer and they could not get to her. Watching that go down was complete chaos. She finally got out of the trailer. 

They were running around everywhere looking for her. 
Edith is still taking food from the coop chickens. I know she is still mad they are in there, but she was not using it anymore so why is she so mad? 

The cows have not acted like they have been feeling well, but they seem better. I’m sure it’s been the crazy weather with all this rain. 

Yeller was sweet with wanting attention tonight. He is going to be such a big cat. His paws are huge. He just holds onto my hand with his big paws. He is such a sweet baby. I cannot believe he has been here a year already. That’s crazy to me. 

I did watch from the window Willow and Mattie playing through the fence. I do think they like each other pretty well. 

One of the inside cats has been sick today. I sure do hate coming home to that. I have a feeling it’s Bubba. He is just not doing well. I know he is sick and has been but as long as he is still running around the house, I am not making any decisions. 

Word of the day is mercy. Lamentations 3:22-23

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