Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 12

Most people do not like Monday. I may be one of those people. Going back to work after a couple days off is hard. It definitely is around here. Ronnie and I do not rest much on the weekend. We have been blessed to have this farm though, so I am grateful for that. 

When I looked last night for the weather, the temperature was supposed to be in the upper 90s. Well, the forecast was wrong and the high was 79. That is the perfect temperature to me. It was a beautiful day with a little wind. The animals were loving it. 

Nothing unusual was happening today. I got to love on Willow and Pedro.

Pete even let me pet him. I think his feet are hurting him. They are bad. I’m waiting on a call from the farrier again. I do not know what to do about that anymore. I may need to figure out how to do it myself. It’s ridiculous. 

The cows were happy laying in the grass. 

Life was just good this evening with the cooler weather and I am so grateful. Maybe my sunburn will be better tomorrow and if it’s hot like it’s supposed to be, it will not hurt. We shall see. 

Word of the day is gratitude. Ephesians 5:20

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