Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 23

The heat is not too bad today. High was 98. That’s like a cold front. The wind is blowing. It was actually a nice day. I’m so glad. We needed a break. 

The baby chicks were running around since it was cooler out. They are so cute running around. 

I did not latch the gate for the dogs when I brought them out to feed them. Even though it was cooler out, the dogs wanted no part in being outside. Smart little Daisy opened the gate and they all ran to the back door, except Pepper. She waited for me to call her. She is the best dog. She isn’t doing too well either. She is getting up there in years also. 

It looked like it was going to rain. I was hoping it would to cool things off. The animals were all happy with the drop in temperatures. You could tell by their demeanor how happy they were. I was ready for the rain and they were, too. 

We did end up getting some rain. It was wonderful. It cooled everything off for a while. I was so happy to see the rain. 

Ronnie and I enjoyed the weather for a bit while getting chores done. 

I’m trying to enjoy every day. It’s hard with the heat, but I am grateful for all we have. Some days I feel like we can’t keep up and we can’t do enough, but I know that’s not true. 

Word of the day is enough. 2 Corinthians 3:5

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