Thursday, June 8, 2023

June 8

It did get hot today. I knew it was coming, but I’m not ready for it. I better get ready because it’s here. 

The baby chicks are still with Chloe but they are mingling and eating with the other chickens now. They are getting big. There are still 13 of them. I can’t tell yet how many are roosters and how many are hens. 

Mattie and Takua must have gotten into it today. They both have scrapes on their noses. 

The cows were trying to take Mattie’s hay. He kicked at them but they shared. 

I was looking at onyx today. She is still so small to be over a year old. I don’t think her or Athena will be big cats. 

I got to spray the horses today. They really do love that. I do not know why, but they do. I’m happy to spray them. 

I watched Pedro playing with the water hose today. I was cracking up at him. I need to get them some jolly balls to play with. 

I watched the pigs this afternoon. Gus was loving sitting in the water trough. Treat was eating grass and then went to lay under the sunshade. Spam was just happy in the dirt. 

In the other pen, they were all relaxed. They were all laying around. I got to love on Brutus. He’s amazing. 

It looked like they all had a good day. I even got to see all the cats home today. 
Word of the day is hot weather. Genesis 31:40

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