Monday, June 19, 2023

June 17

Yuck, the high today was 101. Ronnie and I worked outside as long as we could, but it was not. Ronnie was mowing and weed eating. I gave the dogs a bath and shaved Maggie and Pepper down. That is work. They did not appreciate it today but I think they will. Next week is going to be in the three digits all week. I’m hoping those change, but who knows. 

The baby chicks are all over the place. They are starting to be more independent, but still chirping for their mom. At one point there were a few chicks under the trailer while their mom was in the trailer. She must have needed a break. I had to laugh. I’m not sure what is going on, all I see is chaos. They are lucky the cats aren’t trying to catch them. Their sense of danger is not great. 

I watched Ursula a little while I was in the house. She is so chill and seems to be good with being by herself. I go back and forth with that, but today she seemed so relaxed. 

The donkeys and goats are staying closer to the barn and water because of the heat. They are smart animals. I am glad for that. 

I saw Yeller under the trailer today because of the heat. He was actually under there with a chicken but neither seemed to care. 

I had wondered when Ernestine was going to find her way back into the shop. Today was that day. I wish she hadn’t because it is so hot in there, but she does have places in there to stay cool and ways to get out of there also. 

I had been worried about Porky lately. He was not eating as much, but he is fine now. If he was not eating, he is now. I may have just only noticed when he wasn’t eating. He is fine. He just does not want to fight the other two when the food gets low.

I heard Willow’s little bray for the first time. She was calling out to Mattie and he came running. Little sister may have big brother wrapped around her little finger. 

It’s supposed to rain tonight, but I’m not sure if it will. It’s cloudy and humid but it has not rained yet. 

I sprayed all the horses down with water. They needed to be cooled down and I got it done. Jeb is learning it’s okay. Chief was dramatic about it. He rolled around to get the water off him very dramatically. 

Mattie is so bored with no one to play with, he has started chasing chickens. I feel bad for the chickens but it’s kinda funny to watch. 

The pigs were all okay. I checked on them several times. Gus wanted some attention and I gave it to him. His little eyes looking up at me were so cute. 

Athena wanted to hang out in the pig pen for some reason. I guess it’s the dirt holes. 

The donkeys all went into the barn and were rolling around on the ground. I know they were hot. 

It was a beautiful evening. The colors in the sky were so pretty and vibrant. It cooled off considerably and was nice out. 

I saw that extra cat in the shop again. He saw me and ran out of there and to the back of the pasture. He is really feral. He does not seem to bother the other cats though which I find interesting. 

Word of the day is interesting. Ephesians 2:10

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