Monday, June 5, 2023

June 3

I saw Yeller and Jelly standing in the door way of the shop anxious to be fed this morning. They are cute. 

It was another rainy looking day and the donkeys and goats are grazing in the cooler air. I know they like that. 

I went to check on the baby chick this morning and he had passed away. I knew it was a long shot to save him and we tried, but it still hurts. He was still in the goat shelter and it looked like the goats had tried to bury him. Rest in peace, Chuck. I’m so sorry, but we tried. 

I went and did a booth for Mattie’s Mountain and was so exhausted after it, I took a nap. I do not usually do that, but today I did. 
When Ronnie and I went out to feed, Chloe had all her chicks out with the other chickens. That cracks me up. It looks like total chaos. 

Rena is walking almost normal. I could not believe my eyes, but that seriously happened. She is so much better. I’m so happy. She is good enough to get out of the coop. I am going to leave the three in there for now, but I may release them since they are doing so much better. 

Noma and Willow are not loving the flies from all the wet ground. I cannot blame them. 

Mattie is still cute with his begging for attention. I do give him that attention. 

Onyx was out playing with the sheep. That makes me laugh. The sheep tolerate her. 

Alex was acting like he was not feeling well. I’m sure it was the weather. That’s making all of us not feel too well. 

The pigs all lined up for me to talk to them. They sure are cute. Ronnie had gathered up some grass from mowing and I gave it to the pigs. They were loving it. 

I kept hearing a crying noise. I was not sure what it was so I went to investigate. I’m not sure how I found it, but I found a baby gold finch, or what I thought was a goldfinch. I knew not to touch the baby. I hated to leave it there, but the mom and dad were watching and they were communicating. They were trying to get the baby to fly. I was hoping the baby was okay. 

Word of the day is life. Romans 8:6

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