Wednesday, June 14, 2023

June 11

It was another hot day. First thing this morning, we went out to feed. I added water to mud holes for pigs. We made sure everyone had water for the day. It was going to be hot. 

Yeller and Athena had put themselves in the high grass. They were well hidden. I almost did not see either of them. I need to watch my surroundings more. 

Jelly followed me out into the pasture. When he did that, Athena came running and went into the pig pen and put herself under the sunshade. That to me is funny. 

Ronnie had to pull up our carrots from where we planted them because the beans were taking over. I am happy to report we would have had carrots if we had not planted them with the beans. 

Bubba has taken up living under one of the shelves in the living room. He is smart since the air conditioning vent points in that direction. 

Tinkerbelle ran out of her pen tonight. She had not done that in a while. It made me happy. It shows me she was feeling good. 

It was so hot today. The chickens were in the shade and dirt trying to stay cool. 

Jeb was sweating so bad today he had white streaks across his body. I hate that. I tried to spray him down, but he was not having it. Chief wasn’t either. 

The other three horses were loving it. However, after I spray them they roll on the ground and that always scares me now. 

Mattie is still spoiled. I give him hay when I give hay to Noma and Willow. I don’t know why since they have hay and lots of grass at this point. 

Edith is also getting water from the water inside the coop. I’m guessing all the chickens over there are. 

The donkeys are goats are all doing fine even though it’s been hot. They do have shelter and they use it. 

The pigs all used their mud holes again today. I’m so glad. 

I will be watching all the animals closely since the weather is so hot and it’s only going to get hotter. 

Word of the day is watching. Matthew 26:40-41

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