Monday, July 31, 2023

July 31

It was about 100 degrees today. Not terrible. Don’t get me wrong, it’s hot, but bearable. 

This morning started out wild. It’s Monday, so you know, it has to be wild. Ursula was falling off the bathroom counter and grabbed on to me with a claw. I do have some puncture wounds, but not too bad. Then I couldn’t find Persia. I looked everywhere and finally got Ronnie to help me. I finally noticed a bulge on the floor underneath a towel. I walked over and checked and there was Persia. Good grief, it was too early for that. All was well so I went to work. 

I have been working more hours, so I was late coming home. Luckily, Ronnie was almost finished feeding when I got home. I was able to help a little. 

The little goats were fighting over feed. I don’t know why I feel like that’s so funny, but I do. 

I finally got a better picture of the inside of the cow’s mouth for my sister. She was appreciative. I was glad because that took some time and patience to get. 

Willow was trying to play through the fence with Pepper and Maggie. That was so cute. 

Lester is getting better. I watched him enjoying the air from the fan in one of the shelters. 

I got some one on one time with Takua. He is such a sweet boy. I’m so glad he is okay after his ordeal. 

The three brown horses were not finished eating when Chief got finished so he went over and bullied them away from their food. I thought we were over that, but I guess not. 

Word of the day is timing. Proverbs 27:1

July 30

It’s still hot, surprise. It’s not as bad as it has been, but it’s still hot. 
Sonny is still hiding out, but I found him in the donkey barn. He was watching Rena and Annabeth through an opening. I’m not sure what that’s about, but that’s what was happening. 

The dogs are not loving the heat. Luckily for them, they go out to eat and do their business and then go back in. They do not have to tolerate the heat. 

The horses are looking better and loving that they are able to eat more. We are looking for round bales for them. We haven’t found one locally for awhile. 

Lester is healing up nicely. I’m still shocked, but glad he is doing better. 

The cows are smart. Alex dropped an alfalfa cube and moved the whole trough to find it. He did find it and ate it. 

Word of the day is living. Ephesians 5:15-16

July 29

It’s another hot one. We did have visitors out today even in the heat. It’s nice to see others out here and loving the animals. That’s why we do this. 

Ronnie and I put up new sun shades for the pigs. They were glad about that. 

The animals are fighting the heat the best they can. The pigs are in the mud holes. The donkeys were in the barn out of the sun. The cows in the shade. 

Gloria has been hanging out in the goat pen since Sally died. She seems like she is grieving and doesn’t want to be around the other animals. 

We have noticed the horses being skinny because of the heat, so we are feeding them more hay. They are loving that. 

Word of the day is hiding. Psalm 61:3

July 28

Mattie’s Mountain made the front page news for the walk coming up. I’m excited and nervous about it, but it’s all going to work out. 

It’s hot today. That’s pretty normal this time of year but oh it’s so hot. The animals are feeling it. I know that because I’m feeling it. Most of the animals are doing well with staying in the shade. They are smart. 

Sonny has been in hiding since Leroy died. I cannot say I blame him. He is staying far away from the drama. 

Mattie is still hating the pen. I’m hating it, too. As soon as the weather cools, we will get him to the vet and then after he heals, he won’t have to be in the pen anymore. I can’t wait and I know he can’t either. 

Word of the day is animals. Luke 12:6

July 27

I noticed today the chicks are integrating with the other chickens. The hens aren’t real nice to the chicks, but I know one day those chicks will fight back. 

Lester is looking better. I’m amazed that he made it through the night. He looked so terrible. He is tough though and made it through. 

You may not believe this, I am not sure I believe it and I was here, but Noma walked up to me. My back was turned, but she walked right up to me. She did not let me pet her, but she was right there behind me. 

Ronnie put out a new hay bale and he cut the strings off the bale since the cows had been trying to eat them. Well, they were excited and pretty much jumped in the hay bale which scattered the hay. It was a mess. The cows were still excited. Noma and Willow are also. 

The pigs are just loving life. They are so fun to watch. I’m glad they are doing well. 

Takua came to me today. He is doing well. He came over and let me kiss his nose. I’m glad he is doing good. That was scary. 
I got to spray the horses which they just love. It cools them down and helps with this heat. 

I looked out the front window and saw the hens in the bush in front. I have to laugh every time I see this. They have found their spot, but that bush has to come down and they will have to find another spot. 

Word of the day is thankfulness. 2 Corinthians 9:11

July 26

I came home to find that a couple of the roosters had been fighting. This post will not be a fun one and I hate to even write about it. I would rather forget it. We have too many roosters. I am aware of that. I have tried to give a couple away. I cannot find anyone to take them, so they continue to live here and then they fight, a lot of times to the death. In this case, we lost Leroy. Lester was in pretty bad shape also, but he was up walking around. It was so terrible. I thought we might lose Lester also. He looked really rough. I guess time will tell. 

Maggie is still declining. She still has good days though. Tonight Bubba came in and hung out with her. They did that often at our last house. It was nice to see them together. 

The pigs are doing well, even in the heat. They are loving the mud holes and the sunshades. This makes me happy. 

These chicks are growing up so fast. I cannot believe how grown up they are. They are all beautiful, too. 

It is hot today, but the donkey and goats seem to be tolerating it well. 
Word of the day is fighting. Romans 12:17

July 25

Ronnie and I were still nervous about Takua, but he seems so much better. He is eating and drinking like normal. That’s a big deal. I’m so grateful he is doing better. 

Hercules was begging for some food, so I gave him some of the chicken feed. Hercules is such a fantastic goat. 

I had a friend come by just needing to talk and someone to listen. I think everyone needs that, so we talked for hours while Ronnie fed and watered most of the animals. 

Word of the day is friend. John 15:13

July 24

Takua was looking better this morning. He did not want to be around the other horses, but he was still up and he was moving around. That was an improvement. 

When I got home from work, Takua was drinking. He looked so much better. That was scary. Ronnie and I both felt helpless with Takua having choke. It was awful. Takua continued to drink plenty of water. He did not eat. I don’t blame him. I would be scared to eat after all that also. 

I through out some chicken feed for the chickens, but it looked like the goats and donkeys ate that for the chickens. I have to laugh about it. They do whatever they want. 

Sonny is trying to be friends with the baby chicks. I think they are getting along pretty well. It’s funny to watch them. 

Word of the day is fear. Psalm 34:4-5