Sunday, September 29, 2024


The cats were home this morning. I even got to pet Athena. She did not appreciate it, but I did. 

The pigs were happy this morning. 

The horses were all out of the barn and eating on the new hay bale. 

Noma and the cows were eating their hay bale this morning, too. 

Mattie and Willow were waiting to get some hay this morning, but I did not give them any. 

The sheep and goats were irritated I was late for their breakfast, but they did get their breakfast. 

Rena and Annabeth are doing well. 

The donkeys were enjoying the green grass this evening. 

The cats were home this afternoon. 

Noma did the same weird thing today that Chief did yesterday. What is going on? What are they doing. I do not understand what is happening. 


Athena was not home again this morning. I wish I knew where she was going. She is normally home in the mornings. I am sure she is fine. 

I noticed Lucky was laying by the fence and watching Cinderella and Tinkerbelle. It is rut season, so I am sure he is just wanting to be near those females. 

Daisy and Bella were sure in rare form this morning. They are so ornery. The weather is cooler and they have a lot of energy. 

I finally saw Athena. She was under the same stool that Onyx likes to sit under this morning. She was okay. 

Chief did something weird this afternoon. He was in the barn, then he came over to eat and then ran back to the barn. It was weird. he then came back to eat and stayed there to eat. It was super weird. The other four horses did not do that, so I wonder what happened. 

Yeller was home and in the backyard with the dogs. Onyx was under the porch with Bella and a chicken was watching. Athena was over in another part of the yard laying down. 

The donkeys were out and about next to the barn this evening. 


The cats were home again this morning. I think that is just something I focus on daily. I have always done that since we got barn cats. 

The donkeys were laying down in the barn, so I knew there was no threat this morning. 

It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. The cows were being lazy this morning also. 

The horses were all out and about. 

I could not find Mattie. I knew he was out there somewhere, but I could not find him. I finally saw him and he had the funniest look on his face. He apparently sleeps in the little shelter on his own, or he did that night. He got up and stretched and took up the whole shelter. 

The pigs are doing well. They look good and happy. 

Willow wanted my love and attention this morning. 

I ended up giving Mattie and Willow some hay. I need to stop doing that. They have hay outside most of the time. 

The sunrise is so pretty out here. 

I saw Willow interacting with Athena this morning. It was between the fencing, so that was good. It was a cute thing to see though. The donkeys usually just go after the cats. 

It looked like Meridia was doing fine this morning as she was up on the fencing with a rooster. 

I got to see Tux again this morning. It had been awhile since I have seen him, but I clearly saw him this morning. 

I got to see an Alpaca today. I have missed seeing them. I do not know who has them, but I saw him in a pasture. 

I have seen butterflies out and about on all our weeds here lately.

The horses got a new hay bale and some minerals. They have started looking a little skinny, so Ronnie put out the mineral. They were all happy about it. 

Athena was looking relaxed in an area I have not seen her in. 

The little goats allowed me to pet them today. That does not happen often, but it happened today. 

Daisy was up on the porch this afternoon. Onyx was in the background. 

Yeller was home tonight also.