Sunday, September 29, 2024


It was still cloudy outside. 

The cats were home and waiting for food. 

Jeb was the only horse out of the barn this morning. I am sure they thought it would start raining again and wanted to stay out of the rain. 

I gave Noma, Willow, and Mattie, Alex, and Jasper some hay this morning. It is time to put out a new bale of hay for the animals. I am sure that will get done soon.

The goats and sheep were happy about the hay this morning and came out to eat, even with the clouds and rain still in the sky. 

Poor Maggie. She sat down by the water bowl and could not get up. She looked so helpless. This is getting more and more frequent and it breaks my heart. She is such a good dog and I hate seeing her like this. 

I watched the young roosters sitting in some of the raised beds we used for the garden. They were giving themselves dirt baths and looked like they were hiding. It was a cute thing to watch. All I could see were their heads up above the top of the containers. 

Onyx and Athena were hanging out under the carport this afternoon. I could not see Yeller, but a little bit later I heard some cat meowing. I almost let myself hope it was Jelly. He used to that. He would cry out as he walked toward home. It wasn’t Jelly, but Yeller must have learned it from Jelly. I saw Yeller walking through the pasture on his way to the house. 

I was able to doctor Onyx’s wound again. It is looking better. 

The goats in the pasture were eating the chicken feed again today. I am not surprised by that. It is now an everyday thing. 

There is some kind of contraption on the fence where Jasper loves to scratch his backside. It makes me laugh. He seems to enjoy it. 

Lester was up on the fence crowing away. He jumped down to one of the younger roosters. Those two look just alike. I can see that Lester is the dad of that one. 

One of the chickens, I think this one is Betty, she waits for for me to put down the sheep/goat food and she will eat until I pick up the feed to give to the animals.

Spots’ wound is looking almost healed. It is looking so much better. It has taken a long time to heal. 

The donkeys came home this evening. 

The rain may have over flooded the pig’s mud hole. They did not seem to mind though. 

The cows were eating the last of the hay bale. 

The donkeys and goats were still loving the green grass. 

Noma was enjoying rolling around in the grass. 

Daisy was pouting on the deck. She wanted to go inside and was told no. She was less than thrilled with having to stay outside. 

It was a beautiful evening. The sunset was beautiful. 

I noticed Yeller up on the hay bale. He was enjoying the beautiful sunset and the weather. He is the sweetest barn cat. He really is. Yeller likes to have attention. He loves to be hugged and cuddled. 

Onyx was yet again under the stool on the back deck. That is a favorite place for her and sometimes Athena. 

I did not see Athena tonight, but I saw her this afternoon. I wonder where she is. This is when I start to worry about the cats, when one of them is not where they are supposed to be. 

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