Sunday, September 15, 2024


I had my friend come over today to help with some stuff for the walk and some outside stuff that I had not done. With Ronnie down there is so much that needs to be done, but we will get to it. I know we will. It may just be later down the road. 
When my friend and I went outside to get started, I noticed the goats laying down in the pasture. I had not seen them do that and it scared me a bit, so we walked out to check on them. When those goats saw someone coming out in the pasture, they got up and took off at a run. 

I saw a small bird on the gate to the barn. It looked like the bird could not fly. I attempted to catch the bird to see if I could help, but it hid from me. I found it dead a few hours later. It made me sad. I wanted to help, but the bird would not allow me to, not that I could know what was wrong with it, but I would have tried.

I had a call from a woman this week who has been out here several times with her family. Her youngest was turning 6 and she wanted a piggy birthday, so the mom wanted to see if she could bring out the family to see our pigs. Well, of course. They even brought some treats for the pigs. It was a cute little event. The pigs were grateful for the treats.

Gus was trying to be a hog for the treats. I even had to distract him to get him out of the way, so the people could get out of the pen. I did rub his belly later. 

While the family was here, Ronnie and my friend were keeping Mattie and Willow away from them. They are too friendly at times and they needed to not be close to them like they usually do. 

The sheep got some love and attention today from someone other than me and Jeb did, too. 

I did notice Treat not acting like herself. I started to worry about her while we were out there. I went out later to check on her. She seemed ok and she ate later in the day. I think it might be the weather changing. 

Some of the other animals were a little off today also. Chief was hanging out in the barn and I could not see him, so I went out into the pasture to find him. That is when I found him in the barn. Spots saw me and started running. Poor girl is traumatized now. 

Noma was even in the pen for some reason. It was like something weird was going on today and I still do not know what it was. I would have thought a full moon, but there was not a full moon. 

The cats were home today. 

The dogs were hanging out together again this afternoon. 

I saw Sonny and one of the hens in the pen. Sonny was protecting the hen while she laid an egg. 

Lola is still looking like one angry hen. I laugh every time I see her. 

Mattie decided he did not want to share his food this evening and he did a head swipe. It did not deter the chickens from eating with him. 

The pigs seemed normal this evening, so I will stop worrying about them. 

It is a beautiful night again with the moon behind the clouds, it was definitely not a full moon. 

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