Sunday, September 1, 2024


I am so happy the fainting goats have decided they like the hay we give them. At one time they would not eat it. Now they wait for it. 

I saw Wheezy and another chicken taking dirt baths this morning. They are thrilled it is not as hot as it has been. 

Yeller came to see me again this morning. I was excited to see him. I look for those cats. I have lost too many. It breaks my heart over and over. I even picked him up and let him know I was happy to see him. He is such a cuddly little thing. 

Mattie and Willow were interested in whatever I was doing. Mattie even tried to open the gate I was standing behind. Those two are double trouble if I have ever seen it. 

I saw Tux coming over to eat before he saw me. He wanted nothing to do with it after he saw me. I did. Get to see Athena and Onyx, too. 

Snowflake was in the crate with Esmeralda today. I find that funny for some reason. 

I gave the pigs some hay this morning. They seemed to be happy about that. Willow and Mattie were trying to get the hay from some of the pigs. That is annoying, but they could not get the hay from them, so it’s okay. 

I gave Gus some petting. he is such a sweet boy. He gave me some sweet swoony eyes and some good smiles. 

Alex was over by himself. He knows the weather is changing. I gave him some attention. He was like a big dog loving getting petting. He is so sweet. 

The goats were way out in the pasture. They are some adventurous animals. 

Spots was healing in the barn today. She is making me concerned. With Ronnie injured, we are limited to what we can do. I know she will be okay, but it hurts my heart. 

Yeller spent the day with Daisy and Bella outside today. I am sure he was happy to have some extra company. 

I interrupted Annabeth again. She jumped out at me and landed on my arm while squawking. I ducked and she flew off. 

The donkeys are doing well, especially with the cooler weather. It is humid out, but it is not 108 degrees. That is a huge difference. 

The pigs are doing well. They are full of energy since the weather is changing. 

Noma let me pet her for about 5 minutes. That is a big deal. It is progress. 

Looks like Jeb may be getting pay back from someone. He had bite marks down his back. He does deserve it. Maybe he will learn. 

Jasper is still hiding from me. Hopefully he will forgive me one day. 

I happened to be in the shop when Sterling ran in. He saw me and high tailed it out of the area. The other cats seem scared of him. They are at least leery of him. He looks really old to me. 

The sky was pretty again today. Every night is a different color and different pattern. The sunsets never get old. 

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