Saturday, September 21, 2024


The cats were all home this morning and they were waiting for food. They do that every morning. I do not usually see that, Ronnie usually does all the morning feeding, but with him being down for now, I am doing it. 

The moon was still up overhead when I went out to feed the animals. It was a nice sight. The sun was coming up on one side and the moon was up on the other side. 

I noticed something this morning that I had not seen before. As I looked over in the donkey/goat barn, all the donkeys were laying down. I had not seen that before. All four of them were relaxed and sleeping. They all got up as I was outside. 

Athena and Onyx sure are brave. They still like to be in the pasture, even with knowing the donkeys do not like them and will chase them. They do not seem to care at all. 

I learned something this week, Noma really does not have a problem with me approaching her in the morning. She allows me to be in her space and will let me pet her. I have seen her do that before, but I just thought it was a fluke thing, but it does not look that way. I was petting her and she was okay with it. 
When I got home, Noma was laying out on her side. That always scares me to see that, but it shouldn’t, donkeys do that. It is a normal thing. 

I couldn’t find Mattie when I first got home, but he was hiding behind the pen. I am guessing to stay in the shade. It was a hot day. 

Takua let me pet on him today. So did Spots and Saverine. I did notice Saverine holding up her foot like Spots had been doing and sure enough, there was a screw in her hoof, too. Just great. 

The two youngest roosters we have are still inseparable. I wonder how long that will last. 

Maggie decided she just wanted to roam around today. I followed her and finally guided her back to the house. 

All the cats were home tonight. 

The hens in the shop really need to get out and into the sunshine. Their combs are wilting. They do not seem to care though. 

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