Sunday, September 15, 2024


It was a pretty morning. The animals were active on the farm since the weather was cooler. 

Today has been a wild one. I came home and the air conditioner was not working. That was not what I wanted to see. It was fixed later that night, though. 
I found a stash of eggs in the donkey and goat barn that I had not seen. Those chickens had not laid eggs in there in a long time, or I was not looking in the right place. I found them though. 

The grass is greener. The donkeys are loving the green grass. They are eating it all up as fast as they can. 

The donkeys are still eating as a family and occasionally allowing the chickens to eat with them. It is a funny sight to see. 

The pigs are always happy to see us coming with food. They get excited about it. Gus even tries to climb the fence most nights.

The animals all seemed in good spirits this evening. The other donkeys are eating up the green grass in their pasture also. 

Alex decided to start licking my arm again. That is so gross. I did finally see the fact that he does not have top teeth. Cows do not have top teeth, but I have not been able to see it up close, but I did tonight. It is a little weird.

Jasper allowed me to pet him today. I was so excited. It did not last long, but that is a step in the right direction. Forgiveness is good. 

I could not find Suzie Q as I was out and about on the farm. That might sound weird since she is a chicken, but I knew she was missing and I was looking everywhere for her. She finally popped up later. I am thinking she had probably laying eggs somewhere, but I have yet to find where. 

Onyx has some kind of obsession with Ronnie’s truck. I do not know why. Ronnie and I were sitting outside since it was cooler outside than inside without the air conditioning. We were also waiting on someone to help with Spots. 

Let me tell you, I am glad our help brought help to get Spots. That was not a fun thing to watch. I know it was not something fun to have to do either. It was brought to our attention Jeb is now the leader of the herd. He ran those horses all over the pasture. Spots did not need to be running. Neither did Saverine.  However, they did not know the guys in the pasture and I am sure they were fearful of what was fixing to happen. Saverine did end up running into the barbed wire and ended up with some cuts on her neck. They ran for about an hour. It was obvious the horses were tired. Chief had given up running when he figured out they were not out there for him. I ended up throwing out more feed and all the other horses, except Spots decided to stop and eat. They were then able to get Spots roped and haltered. It only took a minute or so for the guys to get the screw out of her foot and spray some stuff to help her. I was glad that was over. The horses are not happy at the moment, but it will be okay. 

After that was over, Ronnie and I were still waiting on the air conditioner guy and we noticed a momma deer running across the road. We watched as her 2 babies were trying to get through the fence to get to their momma. It was entertaining to watch them. We did see 1 get over the fence, but it was too dark by the time the other one did. I know that other one had to have gotten over the fence since we have not seen it again. 

Spots did need to be drugged to be able to help her. She was so drugged after that. I went out and loved on her. She looked miserable. The other horses were making sure she was okay throughout the ordeal. Jeb kept going over to her to check on her. He even got jealous of the attention I was giving Spots. 

I noticed tonight as the sun went down how much we look like we live in the desert. It was a beautiful sight. 

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