Saturday, September 7, 2024


This morning it was starting to rain. It did rain some last night also. I got up to feed this morning and saw the cats all cuddled up in the hay waiting for food. They were cute and I am glad they were all okay. They will not settle in the shop because the sound of rain hitting the metal roof is too loud for them. They were pleased to get their food.

I decided to feed the sheep and goats while they were in their shelters. They will not eat wet hay and who wants to waste hay? It is too expensive for all of that. I do not want those animals to be hungry either. It is just who I am. 

The donkeys were smart and staying in the barn while the weather was coming in. The other animals were fine out in the rain eating their hay.

The pigs were happy to have cooler weather. I cannot say I blame them. Even with getting a little wet from the rain this morning was much better than feeling the heat of West Texas.

The rain came down all day. There were flash flood warnings all over the area due to the amounts of rain coming down. 

When I got home to feed, it was still raining. A few wet and unhappy chickens did brave the weather to be able to eat. 

The donkeys were still in the barn. They are so smart and donkeys do not like to get wet. Their hair is different from a horse and they have difficulty with being wet. 

The cats were still in the hay staying out of the rain and staying warmer. They were so sweet cuddled up together. They do love each other. 

The little goats came out to eat and they had to eat together. They do not like the wet feed, so they did not eat it all, but they were fed and still had some hay in their shelters. 

I do not know where Noma was all day, but she was soaked. She looked miserable. I felt so bad for her. I wish she had been in a shelter with every one else. 

Spots is really having some difficulty with her back legs. She is struggling to walk. I am not sure if it is the rain or if it is the injury. She seems to be having more problems with the other leg. I hate this. 

The animals were all good even with all the rain today. I am not about to complain about the rain. We need it so badly. 

The pigs had so much water in their pens. I was concerned about water being in the shelter, but I was glad to see the pigs had dug enough in the shelter that the rain did not get into the shelter this time. They really are resilient animals. The other pigs were fine. No water in their shelters either. 

I noticed later the cows and all 3 donkeys were in the shelter which did not really keep the rain out and was not big enough for them. I could not figure that out since they had a bigger and drier shelter. I figured out later, while I was in the shower that they were not in the other shelter because they were all in that other shelter. It was because the fan was on. Ronnie went out and turned it off. I did not see them back in that other shelter again, so that had to have been why they were in the smaller shelter. 

The rain started coming down before I was finished with feeding. I was soaked. The animals all went back into their shelters, except for Tinkerbelle. 

Maggie and Pepper were in the house, Ronnie had fed the dogs earlier. I had left Daisy and Bella back outside to run off some energy, but they were ready to come back in. 

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