Sunday, September 15, 2024


Spots is still standing up with the other horses this morning. I want her to be okay. She is limping around a lot. 

Lester has found him a hen which he wants to hang around with. This hen looks so much like Simone, who was Lester’s lady before she passed away. Lester only wants to hang around with one hen. I guess it is less drama. I am glad to see he has a friend and is not so lonely.

Annabeth and Rena are doing okay. They have the best spot, until it rains. 

The grass is still green and the donkeys are still happy about it. 

All the cats were home this evening. 

The dogs were all staying cool in the shade in the backyard. 

I saw a cat walking across the pasture, I thought it might have been Tux, but it was Onyx. I have not seen Tux in a while. 

Spots is really having trouble walking after all that running. She still has a bad cut on her other leg. It is draining and looks rough. I am hoping it heals up soon. She is mad at us, so we cannot get close to her to doctor it anymore than it has been right now.

The pigs are doing well. 

Noma let me pet her again today. That never gets old. Mattie did get jealous though, so I had to pet him, too.

Jasper let me pet him again. This really may be the turning point to his forgiveness.

All the animals are doing well. The weather is supposed to get warmer in the next few days. 

It was a pretty evening and the cats were all home. 

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