Sunday, September 29, 2024


Well, I am not sure where the cats go when they are not home, but they were home this morning. All three of them were waiting for their breakfast. 

Noma allowed me to pet her this morning. I guess she is just a morning person. 

The sky was a pretty sight to see again this morning. 

I may be setting a bad habit into motion, but I gave the donkeys some hay again this morning. They are smart animals and are going to start expecting it if I am not careful. 

The cats were home when I got home this afternoon. I guess they were coming for their dinner. 

It looked like one of the donkeys was on high alert this afternoon. I never saw anything, but I could see one being on the lookout. 

It looked like Meridia was hurting today on her left foot. I tried to see what was going on, but I never got a clear picture of what was going on with her. Hopefully it is nothing serious. 

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