Sunday, September 22, 2024


The cats were waiting for me again this morning. I went out to feed late since I slept late. I needed it though. 

It was a pretty morning with cloud cover. The cows were relaxing and the horses were grazing at the back of the property. 

The animals were all relaxed and looking like they were having a good morning. 

I saw Ernestine and Ann in one crate. I do not know what they are doing all cramped up in that one crate, but that is where they were. 

The cats were still home this afternoon. I was able to doctor Onyx’s wound again this afternoon. It is already starting to look a little better. 

It sure is pretty out here with all the green grass. The donkeys are loving it. 

The goats are still desperate to get the chicken feed. I do not know why they do that, but they do. They wait on it every day. 

We have some pretty hens. One of them is scared of her own shadow. I hate that for her. She hides a lot, but I have seen her out and about more lately. 

The dogs were exploring the back yard since the weather is cooler. 

I was able to doctor up Spots’ leg this afternoon. She did not even try to run from me. She just let me do it. I am grateful. That wound was bad, but it does look like it is healing. It is just a slow process. 

Jasper let me pet him again. It makes me so happy. 

It was a beautiful evening. 

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