Sunday, September 29, 2024


Athena was still not home this morning. She did not come out to eat. I was starting to get worried about her. That was not a good thing to see. 

As I walked out to feed the pigs, I noticed Red was standing at attention in the corral off the back of the barn. Normally they are still laying down this early, so I knew something was wrong. I looked further back in the pasture and saw a pig. I thought somehow one of our pigs got out and was trying to figure out a way to get back in. Nope, it was a wild hog. He was trying to get into the pen with our pigs. I do not know why I was not nervous. It might have been because he was on the other side of the fence than me. Once that wild hog saw me, he started growling at me and did not take his eyes off of me. The pigs did not give him any attention at all. I called Ronnie to come out and help. I am sad to say that the hog was dealt with. I feel bad about that, but we did not need him getting into the pig pen and hurting them, or even the goats and donkeys. 

It was a beautiful morning though, even with the drama going on. The clouds were gorgeous. 

Once the gun shots started, the dogs ran out of the backyard and were sitting on the porch watching, except for Maggie. I could not find her for a bit. She ended up at the front of the house to get away from the gunshots. They all had fear about the gunshots. 

I did finally see Athena. She is fine. I do not know where she came from, but she was home at that time. 

The donkeys and goats all came out of the barn to see what was happening. They were interested. They do not have any fear. 

Athena was in the same spot this afternoon that she was in when I got home. 

I took some eggs out of the crates and Snowflake decided to try to put them back under her. It was interesting to see. 
I about got myself in trouble. I opened up an egg crate to put the eggs in and started putting the eggs in. I then felt something touch my hand. I look down and there was a black widow. I jumped back quickly. I then took care of the black widow. 

Yeller was home this evening. He has such a cute little face. 

Spots’ foot is still looking better. 

I was able to pet on the sheep. They are such sweet animals. 

The clouds were spectacular tonight. 

I saw Yeller again tonight. I did not see the other two cats tonight. 

It was lightning outside tonight and none of the animals even seemed to bat an eye. 

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