Friday, March 31, 2023

March 31

What a foggy morning it was. It was beautiful, but that fog was over everything. It is crazy to see. The one thing about fog is, it does lift. When you are feeling foggy and out of sorts, the feeling will lift and be taken away at some point. Hope is there to help you through. 

The weather is a little cooler and all the animals have been running around and loving life. 

I do think the other animals know there is going to be a new baby. They have all been watching Noma. 

Noma is getting ready for sure. She has been rolling around on the ground getting the baby into position. She is laying down quite a bit. I know she has to be ready. She looks so uncomfortable. 

Mattie is sneaky. He has been stealing Noma’s hay from around her shelter. He is a smart one. 

I got to love on Hercules. He is the most loveable goat. He will kiss you just like a dog. He is the best. 

Tinkerbelle has somehow been scratching on something that has opened up a sore. She has meds on her but I have to figure out what she is scratching on so it does not continue to happen. 

I had not seen Jelly in about 24 hours and was nervous, so I went out to check. He was there and jumped through the shop window in the back to greet me. 

The horses had been eyeing something in the field they were standing at attention for, but I could not see it. It went on for a couple of hours. They finally went on about their business. 

Jeb’s nose is still healing but it looked like it was draining a little today. He is off his antibiotics so he may need to be seen by the vet now. He looked better so Ronnie decided not to take him. 

I could not find Persia anywhere this evening as I was looking for her. I finally remembered opening the closet to get them more food. When I opened the closet back up, she slowly walked out of it. You would think after taking care of this cat for thirteen years I would either remember to make sure she was not stuck in there or she would remember not to go in there. 

I booked the park venue for our walk in September so I am happy about that. I’m praying for a good turn out. 

Things around here have been a little rough lately, but it’s going to continue to get better. I know that. 

Word of the day is fog. 1 Corinthians 13:12

Thursday, March 30, 2023

March 30

You know those days when you wake up and you know deep down the day is going to be a rough day?? Well, that was me today. Work was no fun. There were other things going on that were no fun. I feel like I’m being tested. I know I’m being tested. I’m sure there is a lesson in here somewhere but I have not found it yet. The day has not been a good one. 

The animals are all doing well. Jeb’s nose is almost healed. Bill is doing fine. Noma is fixing to pop. She is getting bigger by the day. 

Linda was broody and pecked me good when I took the eggs.

The apple trees are blooming which is beautiful.

The evening was a beautiful one regardless of the things going on. 

I know things are going to get better. I’m working on it. I have to use my strength that God has given me to get through the rest of this day. Times are hard sometimes, but we can get through it. 
Verses on renewed strength. Isaiah 40:31

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

March 29

I was worried about Jeb this morning. He was away from the other horses and he acted like he was hurting or something. I walked over to check on him, but he was fine. He walked away and went over to where the other horses were. I guess he was looking for attention. 

Noma is doing fine. No baby yet. I know this sounds weird but I would really like to be there for that. I missed when Mattie was born. In my defense, we were not sure if Noma was actually pregnant. I’m watching her closely now. She does look sad and confused, but I know she will be okay. 

Mattie seems lost with his momma being in the pen. He does not want to leave her side. He is getting better with it though. He is learning. It still breaks my heart for them both. 
All the animals are doing fine. The weather is calmer now. That’s a good thing. 

The cows seemed to be wanting to protect Noma, but I think they are stealing her hay. She does not seem bothered by it though. 

The cats are hanging out in the shop today. I’m not sure why, but they were relaxed. Athena was the only one not in there. She was out running around like normal.

Word of the day is a mother’s love. Isaiah 66:13

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

March 28

It was supposed to be a warm day today but it stayed cooler than the weather was predicted. It was not too cold though, so that was good. 

Jeb is still looking better and Bill is acting better. That’s helpful. I’m glad they are both healing up. 

Mattie is breaking my heart. He is not handling not being close to his momma. I know it has to be hard since they have never been apart. It is necessary though. Noma is getting close to having her baby and she needs the rest. She is laying down more. I feel bad for her. She is getting bigger and I know she cannot be comfortable. 

The cows do not eat in the pen now since Noma is in there, so they are following me for food. They are also staying close to the pen almost like they are protecting Noma. 

Mattie is also staying close to the pen. He would not even eat since he was not with Noma. I feel so bad for him. 

As I was feeding the pigs, Brutus decided to go between my legs to eat. Luckily I had good balance in that moment. I sure do love that little pig. He knows it, too. 

Our apple trees are showing some life. That excites me. 

Jelly acts like the big brother around here. He is a special cat. The other cats look up to him. 

Word of the day is life. John 14:6

Monday, March 27, 2023

March 27

Today was a normal day. Work and home. The farm animals are all doing well. Jeb’s nose is healing up, but still on antibiotics. Bill is feeling better, hopefully he got his last shot today. He is back to normal. 

Noma is getting close. Mattie was trying to nurse again and he has been weaned for a while now. In saying that, that’s how I know she is getting close. We set up a pen for her and we got her in it, but Mattie went also. It took some time to get him out of there. It broke my heart a little. That might be the last time they are together in the same place. Mattie will be going to get fixed very soon and then he will go to the other pasture. 

The whole thing makes me sad for Noma. Mattie is annoying her badly though. I’m hoping this next one is a girl and Noma won’t have to say goodbye to another one of her kids. Of course, she can see the pasture, so she will be able to see Mattie like she does Pete. Ronnie thinks Noma will have her baby by the end of the week. We will see. 

As I was at the store earlier, there was a dog there. He is always there. His owner lets them run wild. That’s a whole other issue. When I saw the dog and I got out of the car, I kept hearing a strange noise, so I went over to investigate. The dog was trying to get to two small squirrels. There was no way the dog could get to them. The squirrels were sure cute though and I hope they got away from there. 

Word of the day is separation. 1 Thessalonians 3:6

Sunday, March 26, 2023

March 26

I was working on a couple more books today, so I stayed in most of the day. That is how I rest. I have finished a few already this year. I may be working on my last one for the year. It is going to take a bit to finish. I’m excited though. I do hope one day one of these books will do well. I enjoy writing them. I need to advertise more. 

Jeb’s nose is looking better. He may not have to go to the vet after all. My friend Laura was here yesterday and she mentioned a drawing salve to put on the wound. Most of the swelling is gone. He looks better. 

Bill is looking better and better. I saw him running around like he normally does today. He is almost back to normal. Ronnie was nervous to give him more antibiotics today since he acted a little weird after his shot yesterday. He just slumped down yesterday and it scared us both. 

Noma is doing as well as expected. She looks like she is getting close to due. Mattie will probably go to the pen this week just in case she goes sooner than we thought she would. The cows won’t bother her or the baby, but I think Mattie would. He can be a brat. 

Tinkerbelle looked different today, like her sides were going in. I gave her more feed. I think she is fine and my brain is overreacting right now. I’m not sure when that overreacting thing will stop, but it’s not stopping today. 

Yeller has found him a hole in the hay and he has been hiding out. He is so cute. I will let him hide wherever he wants to. He will stay warm and hidden in there. 

Edith and Suzie Q seem happy these days. They had stopped laying eggs for a while, but they have started laying almost every day. I’m glad they are happy. 

A couple of weeks ago, Saverine came to the fence and stood as close as she could to me. I started petting her and getting the hair off of her. Apparently she enjoyed that. She repeated the process today. I had a tool today to help get more of her winter hair off her. She seems to like me after that.

I got to see the goats and donkeys close to the fence today. It makes me happy they are so comfortable here. Sometimes I just wonder what they have had to go through, but I’m probably better off not knowing. 

Today was another good day. I’m grateful for that. We have had one thing free another lately and we needed a break. 
Word of the day is enjoyment. Ecclesiastes 5:19

Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25

I am totally exhausted after this day. So much got accomplished today. We had people over. The backyard was cleaned up. The pig pen was cleaned up, the cow area was cleaned up. The front flower bed was weeded. Jeb’s nose was doctored. Bill was given his antibiotic. That’s a lot of stuff done in one day. I’m sun burned and tired. It was worth it. 

I got up early and fed the animals. The horses were so beautiful in the morning sun. 

Jelly stuck around most of the day. He sure was cute looking like he was babysitting the other cats for a while. 

Jasper had been hanging out in the unfinished pen. I found that hilarious for some odd reason. 

It was a warm one outside. The goats and sheep were laying around most of the afternoon. 

The dust has been horrible lately and it showed with the sheep’s wool. 

Ronnie went out and bushed Takua today. He seemed to enjoy that. 

I found a new spot of eggs today. Go figure. These chickens are something. 

One of the chickens was tired of Sonny and fly up to the top of the coop. She was lucky Yeller was not up there today. 

Onyx was cute napping in the tree this evening. 

Today was a good working day. 
Word of the day is working hard. Proverbs 16:3