Sunday, June 30, 2024


Another hot day. The temperatures are suppose to stay up for the entire week. You would think we would be used to it by now, but there is no getting used to this. I did see a pretty yellow butterfly on a pretty yellow flower. 

The goats were hanging out in the barn out of the sunshine. I am glad they are smart enough to stay out of the sun. 

Willow was braying and hollering at Ronnie earlier. She sees him and goes crazy. It is so funny. She has the attitude of a 13 year old girl. She is a sassy one. 

Bill and Ted are so funny. They have their own bowls and they go to their own bowls on instinct. It amazes me how smart they are. 

Pepper and Maggie were not really enjoying the wind and the sun, but they endured it anyway. We did not have any of the dogs out there long. 

The animals are all doing well. When I start to worry, I hear my friend say, those animals have done this for thousands of years without our help, so why do we worry. She has a farm also. 

The dogs were really ready to go inside. I was also. 

Athena and Onyx were home this evening. I was looking for Yeller, but didn’t see him. Then a heard a cat meowing from across the pasture and my heart jumped out of my chest for a minute, Jelly used to do that to let us know he was coming. It wasn’t Jelly though, it was Yeller. I guess he taught Yeller that trick. I did get to love on him and cuddle him. He tried desperately to get in the house, but that’s not going to happen. 

I also had wondered if I was throwing out chicken feed for no reason, but they are waiting until it gets cooler out to go over there to eat. 

Bubba is looking so miserable. I may have to make a decision this week. 


Today was not as hot as it has been, but it was still hot. 

Fred and his ladies were enjoying the water going over the side of the trough. They look forward to that every day since has been so hot. They have to find something to cool them off. 

Willow is doing better. The limp is not as bad, but it is still there. She saw Ronnie this evening and started braying at him. It was funny. 

The horses have a certain order to eat in. If they do not get fed in the order they are used to, it is extreme chaos. I had to wait on Chief to get over to his bowl so chaos would not get started. 

The donkeys were hanging out under the trees again to stay cool. 

The animals were hot. I know they are. 

I was able to go in and hang out with the sheep a little. They love attention. They are so cute. I really thing they might be the best on the farm, but you cannot tell the other animals that. I did figure out why they always stand by the gate, it is way cooler by the gate. The breeze gets right there. They were also interested in what I was doing which was gathering eggs, so they had to smell them. 

I watched Waldo the something funny. He wanted the bowl that him and Buckwheat were eating in and he just stuck his leg in the bowl and moved it toward him. There might have been a small fight after that, but that is normal for them. 

Looks like all the baby chicks are back with their mom. I wish I knew what was going on with that. 

The cats were up under the porch staying cool in this heat. 

It was another beautiful evening. The donkeys came in to get a drink of water in the evening sunset. 

Sterling was back up on top of the chicken coop. I did not even get close to the coop and he was out of here. He is a feral cat for sure. 

The rest of the cats were home this evening. I have not seen Jelly or Tux in a couple of weeks. I am wondering if they are somewhere together. I hope they are okay. The not knowing is worse than the knowing. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Bubba did not look happy this morning. He is not moving around too often these days. I know I feel like I have been saying this for a year, and I know I have, but I feel like the end is near. It makes me so sad. 

The chickens were all under the fan this evening. It sure did make me laugh to see them all like that. At least they know it is there.  

This is the hottest day of the year so far. It is 105 out today. This heat is not something to mess around with. However, I did have a volunteer today to get some community service hours for school. Oh it was hot. We got it done though. Our volunteer helped us with feeding and watering the animals. I was able to talk about why we started this and what our goals out here is. She had a good time and we are grateful for the help on these hot days for sure. 

Pete gave our volunteer some smiles. I have not seen him do that often. He also let her pet on him and came close to the fence. He is not usually so trusting, so it was good to see. 

Willow was braying for attention and letting me know her displeasure about being in the pen. I get it,  she is lonely and she has never been by herself. It is necessary at this point. We went over to give her some love and attention which made Mattie jealous. He came over and felt like he needed more attention. 

The evening was so beautiful. The donkeys and goats were out be the fence and in the sunset. It was beautiful. 

Sterling was back in the pasture. He runs when he sees a human, but he hangs out with the other animals without any problem.

The horses were all in the pasture eating this evening as the sun was setting. 

I gave Yeller some cuddles. He does seem to doing better and is not as sad. I know it takes time with grief, even for animals. 


This morning, Willow was up and acting like she wanted out of the pen. At least she was up. She will stay in there for a little bit to heal up. When she is not limping anymore, I will gladly let her out. I just do not want her to be injured more and want her to heal up. 

It was nice to see the donkeys and goats up close to the fence while I was leaving for work. Carlos was watching me like he was saying bye. It was a cute moment. 

The horses were enjoying the morning before it got too hot. It is warm even in the mornings, but it is not as bad as in the afternoons. 

This afternoon was brutal. The animals are doing fine though.

Willow is still limping and probably will for a few days. She is doing okay in the pen. She is not happy about it, but she is okay. I am grateful she is doing okay. Things could have been so much worse. I am glad she did not break her leg. This poor baby has been through a lot in her young life. 

Sonny Boy looked hot in the goat shelter. His wings were open some and he was panting. It is hot. 

Ned and Pete decided to grace me with their presence. Ned was jealous that I was petting on Pete. It was funny. He would try to move my hand away from Pete. They both got attention. 

We have had a hen in the cacti out front. She would not move. Ronnie sprayed her with the water hose to see if she was stuck or if she would willingly get out. That hen would bruise me if I tried to get her out of there, so that was the only way to get her to move. She was able to get out, thank goodness, but she was a mad wet hen. 

That gray cat was back. He was out in the pasture just chilling. I have named him, Sterling. That cat is the biggest cat I have seen. 

Bubba has decided to stay in one of the dining room chairs. He just looks miserable. I hate it.