Monday, June 17, 2024


It was a busy day today. I didn’t get outside until the evening to feed. 
I did notice when I looked out the window that one of the donkeys is using the smaller pen to stay out of the sun. I was glad to see that. At least they are using it. 

The goats were staying out of the sun. I cannot say I blame them. It was another hot one. 

The donkeys did not seem to mind the heat and they were out in the pasture eating the green grass. 

We did get some help with feeding which was nice. We got the job done fast. 
The pigs are doing fine even in the heat. 

Ronnie used some peroxide on Jeb’s cut which is healed now, but the peroxide has bleached his hair. It looks funny to me. 

Luna and her babies decided they were brave enough to walk between the dogs. The dogs did not move. They let them pass without an incident. 

Melody and Ernestine left the shop. I do not know why. I had to let them back in later. They were running from one of the roosters in the shop where he was not supposed to be. 

The cats were hanging out with Bella tonight. That is a little unusual. 

Bubba was cuddly and wanting to be held and loved on tonight. He was probably trying to get away from some of the company, but I gave him the love and attention he wanted. 

The sky was pretty amazing tonight. It did look like it was going to rain. 

Jelly did not come home again, but the other cats were home where they were supposed to be. 

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