Monday, June 3, 2024


Jelly came to greet me this morning before work. He is such a sweet cat. He is so loving. I needed that this morning just because it is Monday. 

It is 101 degrees today. I do not love that. It did not look like the donkeys were too happy about it either, they were hanging out under the trees to stay out of the sun. 

Luna and her baby chicks were in the backyard for some reason. We had to watch out for her today. 

Ronnie was able to get Jeb to let him clean out that wound really good today. There is not puss anymore, so that is a good thing. 

I was happy to see the pigs in the one pen did have some mud in the pen today. It had been drying out. It did look like they all had been in the mud today due to the heat. 

It did look the same in the other pen also. 

The sheep were not real happy with me. I had to run over and fix the water in the pig pens since it was going everywhere instead of feeding them in the correct order. They know the order they are fed. It is crazy how smart these animals are. 

The chickens were all hanging out in the shade. They are smart, too. 

I was able to spray the animals down with water to beat the heat. They love it. 

Noma has decided today to eat with Jasper. She has been doing that more and more lately. 

Later it looked like Mattie was going be kicking at Jasper, but he calmed down when Jasper moved over a little bit and shared some food with him.

Alex’s eye looks like it is just fine now. 

The chicks are going away from the hen a little bit. Not much, but some. The chicks actually lost Luna for a bit and she had to go find them. It was actually pretty funny to watch. They did all get back to where they were supposed to be. 

We have another stray cat but this one causes all kinds of drama. This cat runs off our cats and gets all the animals riled up for some reason. I finally got to see this cat. It’s a big one. 

I had to check on our cats since that stray was running them off. They all seemed fine. 

The goats were playing around tonight. I love to see them so happy. 

Bubba, Maggie, and Pepper are still holding their own. Some days I don’t know how, but they definitely have a will to live. 

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