Monday, June 3, 2024


I noticed something that I probably only think is interesting, but I want to remember it, so I am going to write it down. I looked out and saw onyx and Yeller. I realized that when I looked back inside I saw Oreo and Bubba. It’s weird since Onyx and Oreo are both tuxedo cats and Yeller and Bubba are both yellow tabby cats. It looked like twins inside and outside. 

My cactus in the front yard that happens to be my favorite is starting to bloom. That is good. I was afraid the cactus was not going to make it. 

Annabeth and Suzie Q were making me laugh. One was trying to dig out while the other was trying to dig in. They both stopped when they saw me coming. 

Luna and her babies are still doing well. Those babies are growing up fast. 

Alex was giving me some funny looks today. His eye is looking better today. I bet he just had some dust and stuff in the eye making it look infected, but it looks better already. 

Animals know their routines. Bill and Ted even have their own bowls. Each one goes to the same bowl every day. 

Athena was trying to stay cool under the deck this afternoon. I cannot say I blame her. It was hot today. 

Jeb’s cut looks infected. The cut had puss running out of it. Ronnie and I knew we are going to have to get him to allow us to clean it out. It took us both to get it cleaned out and lots of treats, but it was cleaned out with water, peroxide, and blue antiseptic spray. That is better than nothing for sure. 

The three donkeys; Noma, Mattie, and Willow were behaving and actually eating their own food. It made me laugh to see that. 

Jasper allowed me to get closer to him. That is progress. 

I went out later before bed and it looked like a storm was rolling in. I got several pictures of lightning and the clouds moving in. It was beautiful. 

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