Sunday, June 9, 2024


Oreo and Ursula were having a nice relaxing day today in the bed. I do not blame them. Today is a lazy day. I even took a nap with them. I was so tired today.

Bubba is taking a turn. I just have this feeling that we are at the end. He is isolating himself more and he is doing things out of his normal character. It is sad to watch. 

Looks like we have a yellow jacket problem and they are making a nest inside the fencing. Ronnie did spray them.

Ronnie was checking on his horses tonight. They were all up against the fence with him, except Chief and Chief was walking toward him.

The chickens are being greedy. They were eating the goat feed instead of going around the corner to get the chicken feed I threw out for them around the corner. 

Poor Daisy is looking bad. Whatever is going on with her, it has to be a bad allergy of something. The only thing different is the food, so we did change it back. 

It was cooler outside today. I was grateful for it. The donkeys and goats were in the back pasture and hanging out while enjoying the weather. 

Lucky was trying to get some of the branches in the back. I had to laugh about that. 

Our three horses from Oklahoma sure are beautiful. 

Because it was cooler outside today, the animals were moving around more. 

Russ is still limping, but it did not seem as bad as it was before. 

Bacon Bit let me pet her on her today. 

Waldo gave me some attention tonight. He can be friendly when he wants to be. 

Bubba decided to hang out with the dogs tonight. That probably was not the best idea and he changed his mind quickly.

Oh, Bubba, he just makes me sad. 

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