Saturday, June 29, 2024


This morning, Willow was up and acting like she wanted out of the pen. At least she was up. She will stay in there for a little bit to heal up. When she is not limping anymore, I will gladly let her out. I just do not want her to be injured more and want her to heal up. 

It was nice to see the donkeys and goats up close to the fence while I was leaving for work. Carlos was watching me like he was saying bye. It was a cute moment. 

The horses were enjoying the morning before it got too hot. It is warm even in the mornings, but it is not as bad as in the afternoons. 

This afternoon was brutal. The animals are doing fine though.

Willow is still limping and probably will for a few days. She is doing okay in the pen. She is not happy about it, but she is okay. I am grateful she is doing okay. Things could have been so much worse. I am glad she did not break her leg. This poor baby has been through a lot in her young life. 

Sonny Boy looked hot in the goat shelter. His wings were open some and he was panting. It is hot. 

Ned and Pete decided to grace me with their presence. Ned was jealous that I was petting on Pete. It was funny. He would try to move my hand away from Pete. They both got attention. 

We have had a hen in the cacti out front. She would not move. Ronnie sprayed her with the water hose to see if she was stuck or if she would willingly get out. That hen would bruise me if I tried to get her out of there, so that was the only way to get her to move. She was able to get out, thank goodness, but she was a mad wet hen. 

That gray cat was back. He was out in the pasture just chilling. I have named him, Sterling. That cat is the biggest cat I have seen. 

Bubba has decided to stay in one of the dining room chairs. He just looks miserable. I hate it. 

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