Sunday, June 30, 2024


Today was not as hot as it has been, but it was still hot. 

Fred and his ladies were enjoying the water going over the side of the trough. They look forward to that every day since has been so hot. They have to find something to cool them off. 

Willow is doing better. The limp is not as bad, but it is still there. She saw Ronnie this evening and started braying at him. It was funny. 

The horses have a certain order to eat in. If they do not get fed in the order they are used to, it is extreme chaos. I had to wait on Chief to get over to his bowl so chaos would not get started. 

The donkeys were hanging out under the trees again to stay cool. 

The animals were hot. I know they are. 

I was able to go in and hang out with the sheep a little. They love attention. They are so cute. I really thing they might be the best on the farm, but you cannot tell the other animals that. I did figure out why they always stand by the gate, it is way cooler by the gate. The breeze gets right there. They were also interested in what I was doing which was gathering eggs, so they had to smell them. 

I watched Waldo the something funny. He wanted the bowl that him and Buckwheat were eating in and he just stuck his leg in the bowl and moved it toward him. There might have been a small fight after that, but that is normal for them. 

Looks like all the baby chicks are back with their mom. I wish I knew what was going on with that. 

The cats were up under the porch staying cool in this heat. 

It was another beautiful evening. The donkeys came in to get a drink of water in the evening sunset. 

Sterling was back up on top of the chicken coop. I did not even get close to the coop and he was out of here. He is a feral cat for sure. 

The rest of the cats were home this evening. I have not seen Jelly or Tux in a couple of weeks. I am wondering if they are somewhere together. I hope they are okay. The not knowing is worse than the knowing. 

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