Saturday, June 29, 2024


I got home before feeding time. It sure was miserably hot. 
Rena and Annabeth were enjoying the wind in the coop. I do not blame them at all. 

The donkeys in the pasture were all under the shade to beat the heat. It is hot and I am glad they have some shade. The goats were in the barn staying out of the sun. That is smart also. 

Pepper has not had a good day according to Ronnie before I got home. It sounded like she got overheated and he had to carry her back in the house. She did get up and went out to eat, but I had to carry her back in after she ate. Hopefully she will be okay.

Chief and Jeb decided to eat out of the feed trough. That normally does not happen. 

You can tell when a chicken is hot. They stick their wings out and are panting. It is sad to watch. Most of the chickens were hot today. I did find Squawk’s body. She was deceased. I don’t know if she was too hot or what, but she is gone. 

It was a hot one. Ronnie and I did not stay out long. We stayed out long enough to get the animals fed and watered. 

I did see the smallest hummingbird I had ever seen tonight. I am glad there was still nectar in the feeder. 

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