Sunday, June 16, 2024


Bubba’s new hang out spot is on the counter on top of the dishwasher. I have no idea why that is the spot he has chosen, but that is where he wants to stay. He stays there most of the time. I know I have been saying it for so long, but he really is declining. I truly do not think he has much time left. 

As I was leaving for work this morning, Pete was looking at something with intense. I never did see what he was looking at, but he would walk back and then stop to look and then step back again. 

Ursula was hanging out in a box in the bedroom. She sure does like to get in and out of that box often. I hate to throw it out because her and Oreo are having so much fun with that box. 

Oreo has decided to be a bedroom cat also. He does not want to leave the bedroom and when he does he wants right back in. 

I looked out and saw Noma and Mattie both lying on their sides. At first I was hoping everything was okay, but after a few minutes, they both moved around, so I knew they were fine. 

We had another day where Yeller was hanging out in the backyard with the dogs while they were eating and they were all fine. Yeller was not close to the dogs though. 

Pepper is now eating while lying down like Maggie does. She is getting weaker also. 

The horses got a new hay bale today. They were excited about it. 

The pigs were ready and waiting for dinner. They are all so cute waiting for their food by the gate. They really are smart animals. 

The donkeys and goats were on the back pasture eating the good green grass out there. I can’t say I blame them. It is shaded with more trees and the grass is green. 

The mud hole in the one pig pen is finally getting full enough for the whole pig body to get in. We do go through this every summer. It does eventually get to where it needs to be. 

It is a hot day, but the animals all were doing well. 

I did get the goats a couple of small mineral blocks. They were appreciative of those. 

Jeb’s cut is almost healed. 

Luna and her babies were out in the backyard. They are getting big. 

We had some special visitors come by for Father’s Day. We do love to have these visitors for the weekend.

Jelly has been missing for a few days. I am starting to get nervous. 

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