Saturday, June 29, 2024


I looked out the window this morning and I saw the cats close to Look Alike. He still looks extremely bad. Bubba is still hanging in there. I am amazed at his strength. 

I saw Luna taking her chicks close to the road. Probably not the best idea, but I am sure she is teaching them to not get into the road. 

I got to play with a few kittens at a patient’s house. They are so small and cute. 

It was a little cooler this evening with the rain coming in. We sure need it desperately. 

Poor Yeller. He is so sad and depressed with Jelly gone. He makes me heart sadder than it already was. i hate it. Jelly was Yeller’s best friend. Watching Yeller grieve is brutal. 

Fred and his group of hens were out in the pasture with the goats. They have no fear. 

Onyx also has no fear and followed me into the pasture. She is such a mess. That cat does what she wants to.

Snowflake was out of the shop today. She is a smart girl. It’s too hot.

Athena was hiding in the grass hunting. She is a hunter for sure. 

Looks like Chief and Ronnie were having a nice conversation. That is always funny to watch. 

Jasper was looking like he might not feel well, but he acts like that sometimes when the weather is changing. 

Mattie like to play with the feed buckets. He is one smart donkey. 

Maggie and Pepper were not complaining for once about the wind today. They both seemed to enjoy the wind. The other dogs were enjoying the day also. 

I loved on Yeller as long as he allowed me to. I feel so bad for him. 

Most of the shop chickens were back in the shop. I wish they would leave the shop. It’s hot in there.

I watched Luna and the chicks acting like chickens together. I am pretty sure we have more roosters. They were already fighting each other. Apparently, they start fighting young as roosters. 

The pasture animals were sure happy tonight. They are happy enough to not bother Onyx as she made her way across the pasture. It looks like Look Alike and Oden are not going to stop fighting. This is not going to end well. I know that already. It does not matter which one wins, they are both going to have to go. I hate that, too, but both are suffering at this point and that is not a good thing. 

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