Monday, June 17, 2024


Of course it is still close to 100 degrees. I might as well get used to it. 
I did get to love on Athena today. She does not really care for that, but I do. She needs to know she is loved even if she does not like being picked up and loved on. 

The goats were hanging out in the barn to stay cool.

The donkeys were loving the pasture this evening. I am pretty sure they do love that everyday. 

I let the water trough overflow by accident, but the chickens were loving it. They were using the water to cool off. 

The horses got to get sprayed today. They do enjoy getting sprayed with water to cool off. Saverine did not come over and Chief ran off when water went his way. Takua, Jeb, and Spots were fighting to be in the water. It’s one of their favorite things. Jeb even gave me some smiles over it. 

I saw the donkeys all hanging out together waiting on their food. 

The cows were actually patiently waiting for food today. 

The goats and sheep were doing fine. 

The chickens were hanging out in the sheep barn trying to stay cool. 

Jeb decided to chase Saverine again today. I wish he would stop that. Takua stepped in to protect Saverine. He is so good to her. 

The pigs were ready to eat for sure. 

Russ is still limping. I got close to him today. I do think his hoof on the Left side is bothering him. It looks like one of the hooves has been torn and it is too short. I do not know how that happened. 

Spam and Treat are shedding which is also called blowing their coats. I helped get some of the hair off of them. 

The shop chickens were standing by the opening in the shop to get some of the wind to cool things off. 

Still no Jelly, but the other cats were at home. This includes the 2 strays who feel like this is home. 

It was a beautiful evening. 

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