Saturday, June 29, 2024


My sweet Bubba is withering away. It just makes me sad. He has had a good life though and he knows he is loved. That is what is important. 

We did finally have a zucchini grow big enough to pick. That makes me happy. We also have chickens laying eggs in the zucchini plant. What the heck? 

Luna has left her babies. Those chicks were under the porch with the cats. It is a wonder to me. The cats did not even try to get the babies. I am glad of that. I do feel like it was too early for Luna to leave them, but I am pretty positive I say that every time we have baby chicks. 

Ann was sitting in the shop on eggs. It is too hot for all of that. 

The sheep are doing fine. You can tell they are hot, but at this point, we are all hot. There is no getting away from the heat. This time of year is just bad. 

The donkeys and goats were on the back of the property where there are some trees. They are definitely smart to stay out of the sun. It is amazing to me about how smart animals actually are. Those instincts are on point all the time. 

The horses are all hanging in there. They are taking care of themselves the best they can. 

The pigs are so muddy, they don’t even look like my pigs. That is okay, I would rather them be muddy and not look like my pigs than them not be in the mud and not survive. 

The plants are growing. I am not sure how much produce we are going to get, but the plants are trying to grow. 

Maggie was turned around today and I ended up sitting down on the ice chest and petting her. Yeller came over from some attention also. Maggie cannot find her way some days. Do you ever feel that way? I know I do. 

Yeller is still looking sad, but he seems to be doing better. I hate this part of the farming life. 

I watched the baby chicks running around aimlessly without direction from their mom. I did notice Luna watching them from far away. I think she is watching them to see if they are ready for her to leave them and to make sure they are okay without her. I don’t think they are, but that is up to her. 

There are a couple of hens who are still in the shop even though it is hot out. They feel safe in there even if they are miserable.

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